I stumbled upon an article using neural networks that guess passwords. It shows an original application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN).
(Machine) Learning log.
(Machine) Learning log.
I stumbled upon an article using neural networks that guess passwords. It shows an original application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN).
Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are metrics used to assess automatic classifiers. These metrics are calculated from a confusion matrix. Say we have spam filter which tells whether a mail is spam or not. With a test dataset of 100 spam emails and 900 non-spam, we get the following results.
Machine Learning requires data. To obtain some, one way is to scrape or retrieve data directly from somewhere. Another way is to reuse datasets freely available over the internet, specially made for most common tasks. Because it has become so frequent for data scientists to take much time searching and processing data, Google has its own Dataset search tool. There are also big lists of datasets for research purpose, such as this one.